Dream Big!
It started with a dream. For a long time I would confide in my close friends and family that I wanted to own a women’s clothing store one day. Often times if I stepped foot in a women’s boutique, or any woman owned business for that matter, I often spent time chatting with whoever was working or if the owner was there I was super intrigued by their story; how they started, what motivated them, etc. I am always so inspired when I hear of and meet women business owners or women who have achieved extraordinary things. I used to think, I want to do that one day, I want to own my own store, I want to help other women feel good and feel confident. I want to inspire them but I also want to hear their story and be inspired by them. Well, I’ve started. I went and spent a day with motivational speakers, namely Tony Robbins, and I was immediately motivated. His energy lit the room up including myself. I told myself I would start the process of starting a new business and away I went. To say I was scared as heck is an understatement. My emotions were like a roller coaster. One day I was stoked and super excited and thought to myself, “I got this!”, “I’m gonna kill this!” then other days I thought to myself, “What am I doing??”, “Am I putting my family at risk financially??”. I would often tell my husband when I was having these doubtful days and he encouraged me to remind myself of how I felt when I was at the top of the roller coaster. This hasn’t eliminated all my fears and doubts; however, they have improved significantly! I’ve also surrounded myself with an extremely fantastic, encouraging, supportive, loving group of women who are always cheering me on; and who like to come shopping on a regular basisJ
I want you to know that you can do it too! Remember how it felt as a kid to think “I want to fly to the moon!”, “I want to travel to Australia!”, “I want to be on tv!”, etc. We were so naïve and vulnerable but dang it sure felt good to dream; to dream big! I want to encourage you to live out that dream that has been burning inside of you for so long. Whether that be to run a marathon, start a business, try a new dance class, write a book, join a new sport, pay off your debt, start a new job; whatever it is, I want you to know that you can do it!! There is no better time than now! Start scared! There will always be an excuse as to why it is not a good time but starting doesn’t mean you need to run that marathon next month or finish your book in a couple of weeks. Starting your dream can be slow but at least you’ve started. You will feel scared, nervous, doubtful; but the joy you will feel will far outweigh those negative emotions. It will take a lot of hard work but the satisfaction and excitement of it all is so worth it! There is a reason you are dreaming that dream and it is to be shared with the rest of the world. So, from my heart to yours; go chase that dream and put it into action. You are beautiful. You are smart. You are strong. You are loved. Now go get’em!